15 afgestudeerde verpleegkundigen-klinisch epidemiologen (Master EBPiHC AMC-UvA)
- 1 november 2022
- Nieuwsbericht
- Wetenschap in Praktijk

Op 3 oktober 2022 zijn 47 studenten van de Master Evidence Based Practice in Health Care afgestudeerd als klinisch epidemioloog. Onder hen waren 15 verpleegkundigen. Zij hebben wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan op een brede range van terreinen, zoals u kunt zien in onderstaande lijst van theses:
1. Rosanne Been Nausea in children with cancer: prevalence, severity and risk factors during the first year of treatment, and the impact on Health-Related Quality of Life
2. Jacqueline Bisschop Screening instruments to detect problematic alcohol use among adults in hospitals and their diagnostic test accuracy: a systematic review
3. Dion Duijndam Accuracy of the RACE scale in Prehospital Triage of Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients
4. Sanne Goossens The use of apgar score and umbilical cord blood gas analysis for screening and diagnosing perinatal asphyxia in high risk births: a cross-sectional study
5. Marjolein Groeneveld The development and internal validation of a prediction model to predict falls in hospitalized older patients using free text from daily nursing reports
6. Jessica Herrewijnen The association between nurse environment, nursing care left undone and perceived quality of care in Dutch hospitals: a cross-sectional study
7. Wendy Lanser The course of anxiety symptoms among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study
8. Anniek Leijnse Psychometric analysis of an instrument to measure team dynamics among nurses on acute psychiatric wards
9. Udo Roorda First validation of two PROMIS item banks measuring social participation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
10. Lenny Tange Development and validation of the EBPA-eqf3&4, a novel instrument that tests affinity with EBP among vocationally-trained registered nurses and certified nurse assistants in nursing homes
11. Titia Terpstra The effects of an ayahuasca ceremony compared to a cocoa ceremony on depression, anxiety and stress feelings
12. Samantha Voets Prospective observational study to explore the prevalence, the course and associations of baseline variables with depressive symptoms during cardiac rehabilitation
13. Mireille Vos Nurse leadership and work environment association with outcome expectancy and self-efficacy in Evidence-Based Practice among hospital nurses: a cross-sectional study
14. Nancy van der Waarden BEfore IMplementation of PREhospital high Sensitive troponin and risk Stratification, Exploring study of Education neeDs BE-IMPRESS-ED
15. Lea de Wit Variation in care need among adults receiving home care according to the Dutch Health Insurance Act explained by nursing diagnoses adjusted for sex, civil status and age
Master EBPiHC en V&VN Wetenschap in Praktijk wensen alle verpleegkundigen-klinisch epidemiologen een succesvolle verdere loopbaan toe!
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