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Welcome to the Dutch Oncology Nursing Society (V&VN Oncologie)
For foreign visitors: on this part of the website you can find information about V&VN Oncology.
V&VN Oncology is the Dutch national professional organisation for nurses in the field of oncology in The Netherlands. Currently the V&VN Oncology has about 3000 members. The V&VN is a chapter of a larger national professional organisation that advocates the professional development ans positioning of about 400.000 nurses in The Netherlands.
Mission Statement
V&VN Oncology strives to stimulate excellence in care for cancer patients through connecting nurses and other professionals active in the field of oncology.
In The Netherlands there is an increasing demand of care as a result of an increasing number of cancer patients and a decreasing number of nursing professionals. This challenge requires an efficient division of responsibilities within the multidisciplinairy care for patients. It is important that nurses undergo training which is sufficiently broad to enable them to work within the different settings of oncological care. Clinical nurse specialist play an increasingly important role as casemanagers for oncological care. V&VN Oncology strives to support nurses providing oncological care, emphasing several values:
- Skilled oncology nurses providing patient-centred care. Good care demands well educated nurses. Every year V&VN Oncology organises professional education opportunities including a national conference. In addition, the professional journal Oncologica is publised 4 times a year.
- Together we are strong. Joining our forces makes V&VN Oncology a strong professional organisation. As a result we participate in important discussions regarding national developments and participate in many multidisciplinairy steering committees and work groups.
- Differentiation is strength. To stimulate differentiation within the organisation several Special Interest Groups (SIGs) exist. Currently there are 6 SIGs: Immuno/Targeted Therapy, Oncology Outpatient Clinic, Lung Cancer, Breact Cancer en Psychosocial Care.
- Coorperation with other professional care providers. Oncological care is multidisciplinairy, whether it is the first, second or third line care.
- The ability to act and be proactive. We identify developments in their early stages, anticipate them and react if so required.
-Above all we strive to create possibilities for the personal and professional development of nurses.
V&VN Oncologie
Orteliuslaan 1000
3528 BD Utrecht
The Netherlands
Email: secretariaatoncologie@venvn.nl
Samen maken we de zorg beter. Word lid!
Wij zijn de verpleegkundigen, verzorgenden IG en verpleegkundig specialisten van Nederland. Verenigd in V&VN zetten we ons in voor (kennis)ontwikkeling en het versterken en positioneren van onze beroepen. Wil jij zeggenschap over jouw vak? Sluit je dan bij V&VN aan! Met ruim 100.000 leden vormen we één krachtige stem. Van de werkvloer tot in politiek Den Haag.