Assistance welcome related to humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
- 17 maart 2022
- Nieuwsbericht
- Oncologie

Dear EONS member,
On behalf and in close cooperation with the European Cancer Organization (ECO), we are urgently trying to identify organisations who are providing access to cancer treatment to patients in Romania, Moldova, Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic.
The goal is to build a network of experts and contacts in those countries, in order to prepare for an influx of cancer patients arriving in their country as refugees. We are also in touch with Wonca Europe that represent family doctors/GPs in Europe to make connections there. We are receiving reports of GPs in those countries receiving Ukrainian cancer patients and looking for expertise, even to the extent that they are contacting the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour hotline to get advice. Together with the WHO, EU Commission and other partners, we would like to ensure there are resources available to build capacity in those countries and a support network for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, patients and their loved ones as they deal with this extremely difficult situation. As part of these discussions, we have been liaising with ASCO who have members in the region and will be setting up a joint ASCO-ECO Steering Committee to co-ordinate our liaison with the WHO and EU.
It would be great if you could provide any assistance in order to identify quickly who are providing access to cancer treatment in the identified countries.
We would welcome your feedback at your earliest convenience at
Many thanks in advance for your great support,
On behalf of the EONS President, Johan de Munter
We are fully aware that many of our cancer nurses are currently working through new peaks of the COVID pandemic. If this is relevant for you, please do not feel in any way pressured to respond to this email. Look after yourself too and stay well.
Rudi Briké
EONS Secretariat
Tel: +32 (0)2 880 62 96<><><>
European Oncology Nursing Society
Clos Chapelle au Champs 30
Bte 1.30.30
1200 Brussels, Belgium
EONS is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Any data that we collect through our work will be managed under the rules of this regulation and not sold or given to any third parties for commercial benefit.
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